
People Solutions for the Decorative Building Products Industry

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Designer Dream Job Survey Insights

0000000 TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT, WHAT YOU REALLY, REALLY WANT As recruiters specializing in the decorative building products industry, Keercutter & Associates receives a lot of input and insight from clients and candidates alike. One of the most challenging positions we fill today is that of the kitchen and bath designer/salesperson. “There are strong […]

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Congratulations!!!! You WIN…

0000000 If you are in sales, your company probably runs sales contests to motivate you to sell more, right? They probably don’t have deep pockets to send you and your family to Hawaii, but they do what they can to show their appreciation for your efforts.  But when they put a contest together , does […]

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Who Teaches Kitchen Designers to Sell and Close?

1110010 Business owners hire kitchen designers to design AND sell their products. In our experience, most designers are not pure sales people. They have to be developed into sales people.  Designers are creative, idea people who love to imagine what a customer’s kitchen could look like. They bring that dream to life on paper or […]

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Fishing Expedition, or Strategic Hire? Part II

1000000 Acquiring listeners, negotiators and closers for your sales team continued from last week’s blog… At Keercutter, we screen, coach, assess and recommend numerous sales representatives for manufacturers and wholesalers in the decorative building products industry. The “formula” for a successful match between and sales rep candidate and a hiring company is not magic, in […]

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Fishing Expedition, or Strategic Hire?

0000000 Acquiring listeners, negotiators and closers for your sales team According to, nearly 12.3% of all the jobs in the U.S. are full time sales positions. However, according to Caliper Corp., 55% of the people making their living in sales should be doing something else. This probably rings true for many hiring managers, with […]

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Think Before You Ink

0000000 Think Before You Ink Analyze Your Needs to Develop an In-depth Designer Job Description Ever notice that after you’ve read a variety of job descriptions for a specific role, you feel like the same three people are writing those descriptions for everyone? It’s a shame that more time doesn’t go into analyzing a business’s […]

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