
People Solutions for the Decorative Building Products Industry

Are You Hired to Design or Sell?

When you see an advertisement for a Kitchen Designer, the majority of the time it means that an employer is seeking someone to sell kitchen designs to their customers. The “sales” part is implied. The ad should actually read – Wanted – Sales Person to Design Kitchens. We regularly hear from designers that they went to school to learn design, but never really thought about the sales aspect and really don’t want to be known as a sales associate. Maybe the title is just not as glamorous as the title Kitchen Designer? Not sure…But the truth is, companies hire kitchen designers to sell their products to their customers. Unless you want to starve, you absolutely MUST learn to sell and close deals.  Inquiring minds want to know – where do designers go to become as proficient in sales techniques as they are in design, fashion and trends?

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